  • Eleventh Annual Conference

11th Annual Conference 2003

MADE IN HK: a showcase of Hong Kong’s inventiveness


Science Park
(Core Building)
Pak Shek Kok, Tai Po


8th November, 2003
Saturday 9:00am – 6:00pm


An opportunity to get together and share your invention and inventiveness with others. Please come and support this event, and submit particulars of your invention for consideration. Accepted inventions will be displayed for all to see, and a few will be chosen for oral presentation. There are no prizes, and entry is free.

Commercial companies are also welcome to participate in this function. All sponsorships will be listed in our program brochure. For sponsorships of $5,000 or more, a booth will be provided in the SPONSORS’ exhibition section OR, an advertisement placed in the program brochure.


Food, shuttle bus, and free carpark available (RSVP)
Deadline for submission: August 31, 2003
  1. Adoption of the minutes of last AGM held on 2 November 2002
2. Report of the President
3. Report of the Honorary Secretary
4. Report of the Honorary Treasurer
5. Appointment of Honorary Auditor
6. Appointment of Honorary Legal Advisor
7. Election of Council Members for 2003-2005 (click here for more details)
8. Any other business

Organised by:

The Hong Kong Institution of Science
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Sponsored by:

The Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation

Enquiries and submission to:

Ms. Peggy Fung,
Clinical Immunology Unit,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Tel: 2632 2709
Fax: 2645 0856


1. Poster of "Made in HK"
2. Invitation Card
3. Agenda and nomination form for council member
4. Reply slip